Kentucky Derby Party Betting
The run for the roses is only a few days away and I’m excited to pull out a big hat and some bourbon. To help get in the spirit of the derby I decided to include a little friendly wager among friends by making some FREE Derby Betting Sheet that I wanted to share with you for your own Derby Party. To get the full most recent printable sheets with horse bios and complete bettings sheet please purchase the download in the shop, the first being a betting sheet where guests can write their name to enter their bets, a blank betting sheet if you want to fill in yourself, and two other pages list a little information on all 20 horses to help everyone decide who to bet on if they aren’t familiar with the horses. All the information and images are from KentuckyDerby.com.
How to Bet
I wanted betting rules to be easy so I decided that each person can give a set bet amount to place a bet on a horse by writing their name next to the horse’s name. Any guest can make bets by horse’s
name. Any guest can make multiple bets on the same horse by writing a number next to their name or on multiple horses by writing their name next to multiple horses. The winnings are then divided by the names of the first-place horse, which multiple bets getting that percentage of winnings. Feel free to create your own rules if you want to divide the winning between first, second, and third-place horses.