Galentine’s day is generally all about ladies celebrating ladies breakfast style but this year it’s Covid style. This year since we can’t all get together in person I wanted to send friends a Galentines card to remind them I’m thinking of them and include a face mask so they can take a little time for themselves.

Making this Card
You can buy a Galentine’s card and have received lovely cards from friends. If you have a Cricut you can make this card and customize the back message. I love how the contrast between the two pieces highlights the cutouts.
Using your Cricut
In order to make this diy galentines card with your Cricut simply head to this link to the page where this card is already set up. Feel free to change the dimensions and of course the message on the back. I used two different markers and two contrasting sheets of colored card stock.
It also leaves a large space for a written note on the back. These are 5×7 so I used envelopes from old extra Christmas cards or you can buy some at your local office store or Staples.

Galentine Goodies
I wanted to include a little Galantine’s gift that felt a little self-pampering but would also fit flat in the card envelopes since I mailed these. I saw these green masks at Target for about $2 each. I needed more so I ended up also buying these vitamin C masks on Amazon. If you are delivering something in person, other ideas are sweet treats, lip balm, and hand lotion.

Mailing your Galentines Cards
I decided to mail these DIY Galantine’s cards instead of hand delivering. In order to do so, I did go inside the post office and check the postage beforehand. These cards being a little thicker and heavier with the masks I did have to buy special $.75 stamps to put on each of them. Make sure you go into the post office and check the postage before mailing.
With everyone feeling disconnected it always a good time to remind friends you are thinking of them, reach out send a card, and a little treat to let those close to you know that you appreciate their friendship.
For other Galentine’s ideas check out these previous Galentine’s day posts: