Every year I like to change up my Christmas decorations just a bit. Usually, it’s in the form of changing up the colors. Some years I like fun colors and other I go for something a bit more traditional. This tree from 2019 was a bit of both. This one was all about a black and white Christmas Tree.

When decorating my black and white Christmas tree, I couldn’t really find any ornaments that were black and white that I liked. So this led to my ornaments being mostly white. To keep with my theme of a black and white Christmas tree, I bought this black and white striped ribbon that I felt was a little different for Christmas but still very classic. Since our stockings are mostly cream with a little red I added a few touches of red to pull in a traditional feel.
My tree skirt is double-sided with this red and white patterned side and the other just cream. Since I was tying in the red I chose to display the red and white side to match the red accents and our stockings. I also like to tie in my wrapping paper in my tree theme and came across this white with grey birch trees and tiny red cardinals.

I love being able to add every year to my decoration collection and pull the pieces that fit this year’s theme. I hope you enjoyed this black and white Christmas tree theme and inspires you to do something a little different with your decorations this year. For more tree inspo check out my previous post with this whimsical Pink and Blue Christmas Tree